Appointments are available Tuesday to Wednesday, 9am-5pm and one Saturday of the month, 9am-12pm. You can make a booking by emailing or calling: 0401 822 961
Marmapuncture (Ayurvedic Acupuncture) is a relaxing treatment experience where vital energy points are stimulated to awaken immune responses, as marma points open channels of Prana/Qi: your body’s life-force. By stimulating the smooth flow of vital energy that connects the internal organs, health can be maintained or re-established.
The history of Marmapuncture goes back several thousand years and is thought to have first been described in the 3,000 year old Vedic text; “Suchi Veda”. Although less well known thats its sister Chinese practice of acupuncture, there is much to suggest it is as old an art of healing, and although less diffused due to historical circumstance, originated uniquely along with the early forms and practices of traditional Ayurveda.:
“The Vedic therapeutic methods in India date back to the prehistoric era. Many Chinese travellers had come to India and have written extensively about the local treatment practices. Some of the Indian authors even said that people learnt Acupuncture from Indian experts at Takshahila University (circa 100 B.C.). It is also said that Ayurvedic texts consisted of Acupuncture principles and that (most of these) are lost due to unfavourable circumstance in India.”
~ Professor Dr. P.H. Kuulkarni, Research guide Poona University, Director of Institute of Indian Medicine (Pune).
According to acupuncture Professor Dr. Anton Jayasuriya, many scholars believe that acupuncture began in the snowy peaks of Northern India, near the Himalayas which is also the founding place of Ayurveda, where the ancient seers or rishis first formulated the system, thousands of years ago.
More recently (6th Century AD) the legendady Ayurvedic master Sushrita -considered one of the three founders of Ayurveda- is believed to have established marmapuncture in India.
“The Sanskrit term for acupuncture is ‘Siravedhana’ and was used by the famous Ayurvedic surgeon and author Sushruta, quoted in his book the Sushruta Samhita, and used by the Dhanvantari School of surgery in India, according to expert and former dean of Gujarat University, Dr. S.H. Sharma.”
~ Dr. Frank Ros, chair of International Academy of Ayurvedic Acupuncture
Today Dr. Frank Ros is one of the worlds leading experts in the ancient art of Marmapuncture and is the founder and chair of the International Academy of Ayurvedic Acupuncture (IAAA), itself recognised by the International Academy of Ayurveda in Pune, India. Dr. Ros is now based in Australia and Carey studied and qualified with him through IAAA in 2015 with a post graduate diploma of Marmapuncture. To learn more about about IAAA and their activities, visit their site: